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Those extra pounds!

Public·1 member
July 16, 2021 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! Are you tired of switching angles of camera to not to look too fat and bulgy!

Are you tired of not being able to wear that little dress because it'll make you feel uncomfortable!

Is it only me who wants these upcoming days to be the most fruitful days for our health, fitness and body shape!

I am NOT saying that there's a perfect shape, but there's definitely a healthy shape that keeps us away from all the diseases and mentally and physically strong.

So, I welcome you all onboard to the journey of being a better version of yourself.

It's just gonna be 30 minutes each day leading all of us to a better version of selves. Join me with the #30days-30minutes challenge.

You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.


Welcome to the group! Are you tired of switching angles o...
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